My Heritage
As per information collected from JAGAS (who are known to keep records of families for centuries), we, the Malls belonged to Jaisalmer. Around Sambat 1005, there was a very prominent business family of Diwan Mal Purusottamdas Mal in Jaisalmer. The Maharawal of Jaisalmer used to consult him on all important matters. They were like Diwans to the Maharawals. Once the then Maharawal was impressed with some Hamirsingh and wanted him to be appointed as one of Diwans. But he always wanted someone from Maheshwaris to be the Diwan such as Purusottamdas Mall so he advised Purusottamdasji to accept and convert Hamirsingh to Maheshwari. Purosottamdasji, after taking consent of prominent Maheshwaris, got his daughter Radha married to Hamirsingh and thus Hamirsingh also became Diwan. Later on, they were called Tawri and they used to be Dewan to Maharawals of Jaisalmer for centuries.
Since the reference of Purusottamdas Mall as dewan and courtier and trusted counselor to Maharawal of Jaisalmer in the year 948, no further link could be traced or established about his next generation. But some names in descending order are available. It is also said that before migrating to Jaisalmer, a few generation lived in Didwana. As some of them were good wrestlers, they were called MALL. About two hundred and fifty years back, one Diwan of Jaisalmer, popularly known as Jalam Singh for his cruelty and ill treatment to Paliwals and Maheshwaris in particular, forced all Paliwals and Malls to quit Jaisalmer.
The recent history, therefore begins with Sri Sujjamalji Mall, who migrated to a tiny place JANGLU in Bikaner Estate, from Jaisalmer some two hundred and fifty years back, due to some dispute with the Maharawals after having their confidence and trust for centuries. He started off there doing some trading and farming. His siblings Jairamji, Gangaramji, Raghunathji, Sadamalji, Manrupji established themselves as prominent traders and agriculturist. Manrupji was very religious and giving to the society. It has been a tradition in Maheshwaris in particular and in Marwaris in general to keep doing charity work within their means. Manrupji continued with that tradition.

He constructed a temple, popularly known as SANWALE JI KA MANDIR and a well to fetch the need of local population. Manrupji was blessed with a son, Mouziramji and a daughter, who was married to Bhanisinghji, who belonged to the famous Dewan Mehta Liladharjis dynasty. Mouziramji, though well established by that time, had to leave JANGLU due to some dispute with the local Jamindar. He moved to Deshnok, another small place in Bikaner Estate, which was very undeveloped and he had to struggle to establish himself afresh as there was no scope of trading or farming with sand and barren land around. Mouziramji was blessed with five sons; Udaychandji, Kesarichandji, Moolchandji, Jethmalji and Girdharilalji.
Udaychandji died in the year 1885. He was blessed with four sons: Surajmalji, Shiwjiramji, Balchandji and Hukamchanji. They served the estate at Churu and Mukangarh for many years. Then in 1865, they went to Calcutta and started cloth business. After three years, they moved to Purulia and established their firm M/s Surajmal Shiwjiram, dealing in cloth and financing business. This was the first Maheshwari establishment there. In due course the family and their business grew and their siblings were well established there, mainly in Purulia and Calcutta.
Surajmalji and Shiwjiramji, both died within six months interval in 1902. By that time their business had progressed a lot. They had branches at Chaibasa, Saraikela and Chakradharpur. They also constructed the popular RAMCHANDRAJI KA MANDIR at Purulia and did various charities. Hukumchandji died in 1905 and Balchandji dies in 1922.
Mulchandji had four sons: Multanchanji, Nawalchandji, Ramgopalji, and Pannalalji. They too moved to Calcutta and families of their siblings are still mostly in and around Calcutta.
Kesharichandji was blessed with two sons Jainaraindasji and Thakurdasji.
Jethmalji was blessed with three sons: Shersinghji, Dulichandji and Mansukhdasji. They moved to Bikaner and then to Bombay.
Girdharilalji did not have any issue and so adopted Thakurdasji. Kesarichandji also had five daughters. He lived in Deshnok doing little trading in grocery. Deshnok was very backward and deserted. Kesharichandji and Girdharilalji used to live happily within limited means. Though siblings of Udaychandji had ventured to explore prosperity at Calcutta and Purulia, Kesharichandji was contented to live in Deshnok with his two sons and family.
Jainaraindas ji was born in 1858 and Thakurdasji was born in 1860. They did not have formal education as there were no such facilities available. They used to support Kesarichnadji in his little grocery shop and used to graze cattle. One incident transformed the situation and it engraved a different life set for the generation to come. Someone from other Mall families had come from Calcutta and /or Purulia. He brought some gifts for family members.

Thakurdasji wanted to have one dhoti made of fine yarn for him. That person jokingly remarked that he must go to earn for himself to have such dhoti or otherwise should be contented with rustic clothes and living. Though he later repented for his remark and wanted to present his desired dhoti to him, but Thakurdasji decided to explore his future away from home once. His father and elder brother tried to convince him to stay back but he was determined to establish himself.
He left for Purulia in 1874 at the age of 14 only. There was no rail link between Deshnok and Purulia at that time. He went up to the nearest railway station by camel cart and then again he traveled on camels from Raniganj to Purulia. He worked at M/s Soorajmal Shiwjiram for sometime to get himself trained. He led a very hard life. He earned his livelihood, initially by selling cow dung. Later his earning came from selling stationery as hawker. After four years, his elder brother Jainaraindasji also joined him.
Thus the firm Jainaraindas Thakurdas came into existence dealing initially in stationery and cloth business. With hard work and honesty, they developed their business and diversified to commission agency business dealing in food grains, kirana, yarn, clothes etc. Gradually they climbed the ladder of repute with various religious and social and charitable works. They constructed a dharamsala near the Ram mandir, three guest houses at the Cremation ghat, one well to serve cows in Gousala, constructed one water kund and dharamsala at Janglu, besides extending help and donations for social and religious causes.
In 1913, M/s Jainaraindas Thakurdas got dissolved and divided into two independent establishments viz M/s Jainarain Jagannath and M/s Thakurdas Badrinarain. Both establishments developed and progressed well. Jainaraindasji died in 1922 and Thakurdasji died in 1929. Kesharichandji and Girdharilalji never came to Purulia.
Dividing 3 pics as current
Thus a very important chapter in the history of Kesharichandji’s family got created. It is the beginning of recent history to be created by good or bad deeds of his dynasty. We seldom value anything which we can get cheaply. Let us learn from our own past that the present pleasant situation is built on hard work and toil of our elders. Let us keep in mind that for the family sacrifice the individual, for the community the family, for the country the community.
It is very difficult for us to form a real and truthful idea of something or some people whom we have never seen. We are so used to our present conditions and ways of living that we can hardly imagine an utterly different world and situation prevailing at that time. All we can do is to guess, with the help of past records, buildings and other remains, what the people in those days were like.
From the record available with our family PANDA at Haridwar, it was found that our ancestors Raghunathji and Sadamalji traveled to Haridwar in 1750 and 1820 respectively. It reflects towards their devotion and commitment to religious and spiritual believes that made them to travel so far on bullock or camel cart.
From Janglu to Deshnok was Moujiramjis era. From Deshnok to Purulia, was Kesharichandji’s and their two hard working sons’ era. And thereafter began the era of growth, prosperity and continued contributions to social upliftment.