According to Jeffrey Sachs, one of the world’s most prominent economists and also a lead proponent for sustainable development, combining economy and well-being, which is defined as Economy of Communion or EOC, is the concept of the communion of relationships and values that matter for sustainable and sensible development.
There is no denying that real-world, face-to-face communication — complete with eye contact, body language and other important sources of information — is a rarity in the corporate world today, and the potential for failing to convey an intended message or giving the wrong impression has grown.
Neuroscience research has uncovered specific ways that you can fine-tune your message to make sure others listen, attend to the message and act on it. Telling a story, your story, is one of them. Engaging in these self-transcendent practices like sharing minds or engaging into interactive sessions can open minds to information we didn’t want to hear and motivate us to greater activity. The insight is as important for business leaders as it is for sports managers and even politicians.
This is the idea behind the inception of COMMUNION, where we intend to share and exchange thoughts, experiences, ideas and lessons, and help each other grow.
COMMUNION is born with the vision to create a platform where likeminded people come together to share & seek, ideate & brainstorm, inspire & guide one another and those striving for personal growth.
Come, let’s celebrate this wonderful idea of Communion and create a bigger impact on the world around us.
We will gradually unfold different ways you can be connected to COMMUNION and make it a part of your own growth journey. My weekly E-newsletter – Good Vibes is now a part of COMMUNION. To read its latest issues click here.